Thread: Obama Wins!!!!!
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Old 11-06-2008, 04:31 PM
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Default Re: Obama Wins!!!!!

Originally Posted by Ed G.
1. Healthcare - pass a bill to reform our health insurance system. Make it more affordable to small businesses and the middle class.

Both candidates proposals aren't perfect. Neither will really help until there's competition among insurance companies from across state borders. Until that happens there won't be much in the way of competition and no incentives to keep costs down.

Obama wants more government control. All that leads to is higher overall cost. Someone has to pay for the programs and that's the taxpayer, not business because they just pass the cost to the consumer.

2. Energy - invest more money in alternative energy and start drilling in Alaska. No more having our countries energy program controlled by foreign countries and big US oil companies.

Actually, Obama was against offshore drilling, then changed his mind so he could drill for votes. He embraced a compromise bill from the Gang Of 10 because it was politically expedient. However, Pelosi, Reid, et al are against offshore drilling so much they shut down Congress earlier this year to avoid a vote on it.

The Senate bill would have repealed tax breaks for oil companies theat the Dems have been fighting for two years and would have funded research for better fuel efficiency.

As far as alternative energy, both candidates were very similar, but noteably the Obama/Biden ticket is against clean coal.

3.The Wars in Iraq / Afganistan - End it now. get our troops home. The Iraqi government should be able to stand on its own. It's time to let the Iraqi people fight for the own freedom. Quit farting around in Afganistan, send more troops and do what it takes to capture and kill Bin Laden.

We can't just pull out and de-stabilize the entire Middle East. The Surge, which Obama was against, has worked. The US has handed over control of 13 of 16 provinces.

Just today Gen. Patreas said he's going to send more troops home.

You seriously can't believe for one second that Obama is going to cut and run from Iraq when we're almost finished there.

4. Tax Reform - don't know where to start.

I'll start for you, raise taxes in a Recession and head straight for Depression. That's a fact, it's happened everytime and the voting liberals just don't get it. Or they ignore it.

Lower taxes and everytime revenue to the Federal Government has increased. That's also a fact, it's happened everytime.

Increase taxes on businesses and they first cut jobs, then raise prices. We all get to pay more for our products. It's happened everytime.

Then there's his Socialist view coming out in him wanting to take my money and give it to someone else. To bring about financial parity. Heck, he could have given the world a demonstration by giving McCain 42% of his donations. That was the right thing to do, but he didn't do it.

5. Invest in America - create good jobs by rebuilding our infrastucture and develope an energy program that will eventually free us from our large dependance on foreign countries to provide our huge energy needs.

New Deal #2, or maybe TVA #2. That's artificial job creation and doesn't come from within. It's a way to keep people busy. Sure it provides a check for the families, but with higher prices it won't mean much.

You already touched on energy and both candidates were very similar.

The biggest change I'm looking for with Obama is to find answers to our problems not just push it off to future generations.

Fail. Where do you think Obama's trillion dollar spending increase is going to come from? He can't print the money, he's going to borrow it so he doesn't have to worry about it. Future generations will.

The only way to accomplish what is needed is to cut taxes, increase business growth and cut spending.

During Reagan's years when taxes were cut revenue more than doubled. The problem was the Democratic controlled Congress that didn't stop spending.

The buracratic thought process makes them spend money. If they don't, they get less for their programs the following year. It's cyclical and ingrained and both parties have a problem with it.
"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."---Thomas Jefferson
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