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Old 01-01-2003, 09:48 PM
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Posts: 884
Zing is off the scale

I had been busy the last couple days and haven’t, among other things, had a chance to log on this forum. I figure I’d take today, New Years Day, to catch up on some emails, make phone calls, maybe rent a few DVDs, etc., particularly since I’m sick with a cold and it’s a rainy day. The ideal day to stay home.

So I get up 9:00 this morning, get some coffee and turn on the laptop. First thing, as usual, I go to H2 forum and was laughing at HeeHaw’s and Mac’s string on New Year’s resolutions. Just as I’m about to send a reply I hear what sounds to be a few small explosions who knows where and my computer screen goes black. I notice the electricity in the apartment is out. I have a bad feeling. We in NYC are particularly edgy about these things and I run to the window only to notice that there’s been a short in the wires down in the street at the line to my building. Judging from the fire on the telephone pole and emergency vehicles gathering, this might take some time to fix.

So here I am, home without electricity. It is then that I realize how dependent I have become on technology. My first impulse was to go back to the PC and catch up on the 2 days of H2 forum I missed. No stupid, electricity is out. I then go to make breakfast and can’t heat up waffles. Nor does the dishwasher doesn’t work. Nice, now I don't have to do laundry today. Then I figure I’d call people to see who else is affected by the blackout but the phone’s out and the cell phone isn’t charged. Can’t watch TV today, so there goes the DVD party. Can’t check emails. Can’t listen to music unless I buy batteries. Can’t get batteries or leave the apartment period since the elevators are out. I’m on the 33rd floor, stairs not an option when you have fever. I then wondered what the hell am I going to do today???

This wound up being an enlightening experience because it forced me to do absolutely nothing all day. I got into a book that I’ve been wanting to read and did that most of the day with a couple naps in between. Very relaxing and just what I needed. This experience also reminded me of one of the reasons I enjoy camping. You quickly appreciate all the conveniences you have in life and that you take for granted. You also realize how little you actually need, and how many excesses and distractions you actually have on a daily basis.

At 6:00 pm the electricity came back again on and now I have a lot to do. Glad to have the PC back, TV on, phone ringing, elevators working. I’m relaxed, feel better. Life is good.

Mac, please don’t report me to Jason saying that this post has nothing to do with the H2 because it does. The whole problem started while I was on the H2 forum, so I think it is relevant. Yeah but, but I, but...
H2 '04 Black
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