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Old 12-31-2006, 12:11 PM
whaaaaT whaaaaT is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
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whaaaaT is on a distinguished road
Default Re: Red & Blues reinstalled :)

its different in ny man. Volunteer firemen are everyone and everywhere. They'll try driving around like maniacs. I was at the community college the other day cause a volunteer kid hit some other kid in a cross walk. They act like they can do anything. If there is something big going on the cops and various first responders are there first anyway. If the volunteers dont make it they dont have to. other voluteers get there. Theres volunteers closer to the house. No reason to put drivers at risk. Your only required to make a certain number of calls a year as a volunteer here. You dont need to make them they have people anyway. Plus we have a fire house every like 4 miles its rediculous. And they are like the most expensive fire houses in the world i think 7.5 million dollars for one. We also have more fire engines than NYC here. For some reason our fire houses have to have tiki bars and pools in them and stuff. I hate the volunteer fire departments here. I think we should go to a normal fire department we would pay less probly. Its a joke here on longisland. They abuse our county. People let them pass with their little super cool lights. I do all the time. But then when they drive in the center lanes and run red lights. What are they doing?

here look at this. our fire department has more trucks than nyc and LA combined.
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