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Old 09-24-2007, 09:14 PM
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obzidian obzidian is offline
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Default Re: "Dont Tase me bro!!!!!"

exactly,... it is LAW that if a uniformed officer askes you do to something, even though you don't agree, you do it. You will have your due process to contest whatever you want in a court of law.

In this case, it is obvious that the kid rig'd teh situation to get some sort of benefit. He wanted to create a scandal, would any self respecting MAN scream like a little bitch like that? I wouldn't.... He did it for a reason.

Now, college sucks.... your wrong in the sense that most of those "public' forums with guest speakers, there is an understanding that you have a specific time limit to adress your coments, questions, etc. He violated that, insulted the forum with his arrogance, body language,etc.... insulted the officers with his snot-nosed behavior and honestly, if i was one of those officers, i would crank him one so hard across his face that you would have to remove my fist with death grips from his skull! I dont tolerate smart, "college educated punks like that. Think he knows everything. His folks probably work/ed very hard to get him into a university and he repays them with this ****.... if that was my son, i would taser his ass as a wake-up call every morning.
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