Thread: While Away
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Old 02-15-2008, 08:50 AM
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Default Re: While Away

Originally Posted by jmsspratlin
I'm game for someone to post up an ass whooping. War is hell on the home front hey? Do you mean while you lay your fat A$$ on the couch shoveling ding-dongs down your mouth and point and yell at the TV when CNN says another solider has died. Give me a break. As for moving in and treating her like a lady, feel free....Just leave me my Hummer. Messing with that thing will bring you hell-fire fast .


You are not the first Serviceman to be deployed.......that posts on this forum. I know how it feels myself. You do sound like you have the market cornered on self pity and immaturity though.

Stop feeling so sorry for yourself, and blaming your wife and everyone else including this place for your situation. You are embarrassing yourself and the US Air Force Nurse Corps, and the US Military in general. You are a Commissioned Officer for crying out loud, start acting like it.

Are all the people that have wished you "good Luck" here.....the same ones you were referring to above?

If you can't see that you are making a gigantic fool out of yourself, and displaying your insecurity and lack of confidence for all to see........then you're weaker mentally than I even thought you were.

There are many over there that have it worse than you.......being in the medical field shouldn't have to look to hard to find them. Kill the pity party you're holding for yourself and get to work helping those hurt kids that work the forward areas.

Quit bitchin about your life back here, and go do what you were sent to do over there!

SOLDIER UP Spratlin!
Black Sheep Hummer Squadron

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