Thread: While Away
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Old 02-07-2008, 06:29 PM
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Default Re: While Away

Originally Posted by jmsspratlin
Since I have left, not only the trip of a lifetime, but, I have come to realize that it seems that through a person'e voice, you can tell when it is not quite as exciting for the other person to talk to you. I have been away going on 2 weeks and this is now the norm. Even in the remote times I have the opportunity to call, the line is either busy (around 10 or 11PM in the states) or no answer. Also, just in the last few, I have scanned the site, only to find out through here about a bear. You'd think that this would make for atleast a mention during conversation, rather than the fact that "I visited my grandparents church today". Although it is said that the other one misses the other, I am now finding that maybe I am wrong for even trying so hard to even contact home (i.e. waiting hours to make a 10-15 phone call) I guess it is def true....absence makes the heart grow fonder for some, while out of site out of mind for the most. I guess I need to adopt the latter of the 2. Being that she does seem to check this site more than her email, I hope she reads this and realizes that I am about through going that extra step just to contact her. At this point contacting other family members is more important. I will def make some changes in my family, once I return home.

Holy insecurity Batman!!! Not something you should be even exposing to the group thar Jamie. Hands down you're having a tough time adjusting but to lay it on thick when you guys are worlds apart doesn't make things any better. Your wifey is probably dealing with it in her own way.

These kind of long distance correspondence where guilt trips and threats of cleaning house when you return just doesn't work out man. You'll find it will only make things worst and as months progress, it will eat you inside and affect your job.

Love, support and understanding. Insecurity only breaks you further apart.

I've watched enough Jerry Springer to know that I am right on this.
My advice to you is get married: if you find a good wife you'll be happy; if not, you'll become a philosopher.

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