
09-21-2007, 06:30 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Sorry, that one reminds me of someone else. You were this one. 

09-21-2007, 06:30 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by DRTYFN
No, it's because you're a filthy whore that rides anything cylindrical that points her way
Hey now. Let's back off for just a second. I've been given an offer (see above) and I need to really consider this. I mean, well, if all the HXC guys are tasting some of that, then maybe it's worth a little sample. Ah hell. I'm not sure what to do.

09-21-2007, 06:40 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by Birdman
Hey now. Let's back off for just a second. I've been given an offer (see above) and I need to really consider this. I mean, well, if all the HXC guys are tasting some of that, then maybe it's worth a little sample. Ah hell. I'm not sure what to do.
Just because some floozy tries to throw you her worn out kitty doesn't mean you have to catch it(catch it being the operative words). Besides, do you really think an old, dry, worn-out, open-faced French Dip sandwich looking thing would be any fun? Ahhh damn... I just threw up a little in my mouth.

09-21-2007, 06:46 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by DRTYFN
I just threw up a little in my mouth.
 So did I! 
If it has tires or testicles, you're going to have trouble with it

09-21-2007, 06:47 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Just remember: Always wear you ballastic helmet before going in to combat.
Originally Posted by Birdman
Hey now. Let's back off for just a second. I've been given an offer (see above) and I need to really consider this. I mean, well, if all the HXC guys are tasting some of that, then maybe it's worth a little sample. Ah hell. I'm not sure what to do.
1997.5 Black Slantback
The Sole Remaining God Father

09-21-2007, 07:02 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by H2 Rocks
 So did I! 
Hey!!! You know better than to read my posts. 

09-21-2007, 07:13 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

09-21-2007, 07:28 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by ZigsRig

09-21-2007, 11:39 AM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

09-21-2007, 12:41 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by Marcmedic
Some are real...some not so much....
The "AE" posts in this thread seriously discredit the message that some Elcova members are trying to send. It's called "stooping to their level."

09-21-2007, 01:37 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
I gotta give whoever credit...
In just over 56 hours this thread got 2951 views with 210 posts...
Thats gotta be a record. Still can't figure out how many AE's are involved but the last 12 hours are a giveaway that some of this, or maybe all, is made up.
History, be it in 1 Year, 10 Years, a Hundred Years or One Thousand, will show that those people who voted for John McCain in the United States Presidental Election of 2008 were true patriots...
Last edited by RubHer Yellow Ducky : 09-21-2007 at 01:54 PM.

09-21-2007, 01:57 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by RubHer Yellow Ducky
I gotta give whoever credit...
In just over 56 hours this thread got 2951 views with 210 posts...
Thats gotta be a record. Still can't figure out how many AE's are involved but the last 12 hours are a giveaway that some of this, or maybe all, is made up.
No doubt some AE action is going on. But the story(ies) are true. I have heard from several sources over there- and we have seen the pictures. It happened this summer and I guess whoever Slappy is, has brought it to our attention. It was on a couple of other forums awhile back.
http://www.colorado4x4.org/vbb/showthread.php?t=100476&highlight=Poughkeepsie+hum mer
As you can see Alec stood and told them that things were taken care of, put out the fire so to speak- then they (Hummer X) gave him no appreciation.
Alec and Bebe stood up and took action for the irresponsiblity of others. Then some members including the founders of the club not only did not thank or help them, but shamed them- from what I have heard.
Some have left the club.
(Also, some other forum also found Bondage at fault for another bad incident in his H2. I will have to search for it, or if someone has that link- please post it.)
(No comment on the HiHummer thing. I've never had her. )
Through all of this mess there is a disappointing truth.
Last edited by h2co-pilot : 09-21-2007 at 01:59 PM.

09-21-2007, 02:23 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by h2co-pilot
(No comment on the HiHummer thing. I've never had her. )
'04 H2
'07 Vette

09-21-2007, 02:26 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by h2co-pilot
No doubt some AE action is going on. But the story(ies) are true. I have heard from several sources over there- and we have seen the pictures. It happened this summer and I guess whoever Slappy is, has brought it to our attention. It was on a couple of other forums awhile back.
http://www.colorado4x4.org/vbb/showthread.php?t=100476&highlight=Poughkeepsie+hum mer
As you can see Alec stood and told them that things were taken care of, put out the fire so to speak- then they (Hummer X) gave him no appreciation.
Alec and Bebe stood up and took action for the irresponsiblity of others. Then some members including the founders of the club not only did not thank or help them, but shamed them- from what I have heard.
Some have left the club.
 I would like to say I am a member of HXC and the times I've gone wheelin with the group, Phil, Seth, Rod etc. there has been nothing but respect given to the other wheelers and the property we were on. In short not all Xers should not be lumped together as bad 
Friend of T&A

09-21-2007, 03:09 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
I think the X Club needs an HR department for thier Company.
My previous post was simple but I felt I should clarify a few things since we do have quite a bit of AE stuff going on here.
The damage did occure on the trail! It was known by the local club within a day or two. In FACT, one of the local club leaders sawy teh HUMMER group whiel they were. It's hard to miss a bunch of HUMMERS in a small mountain town on a trail that has been dedicated to be maintained/fixed and viewed by BFG as well.
Many know I am also a member at HXC...although I'm questioning if I should be. It's not personal as there are many great people over there who I've enjoyed talking with!!! But, I also debate if I should be due to the dirrection of how things have panned out with the club. Guilt by assocation sort of speak. I have viewed many private threads/ eMails on this whole subject for a while now. Many on the forums want to know what really happened and what was done or not done. Since the topic is not hiding away soemwhere, I may as well put my 2 cents in. I was not there, but thes information I post is from reliable sources. I have promised to keep their names in confidence, so don;t ask!!!
My post was not intended to slam any ONE person. My post was to suggest that those that did mess up on that trip should be held accountable and publicly made an example out of. They were not and the club did ZERO to rectify the situation until others spoke up. This was noted by many in the off road community!!!
Even though this happened months ago, it is still a current topic in private forums of a couple that I frequent other than Elcova and HXC. It's not a dead issue.
By the X board doing nothing publicly, it is perceived that the club will not be held responsible for what their members do on these sanctioned events. This opinion mentioned above has been brought to my attention by a local club (that knows I'm also part of HXC but also knows I was not present when the damage occured). I also stated Alec was not at fault either since his off road conduct was questioned as well. It was two people in their group that have never been out to CO before, but should have know better! That was my reply and the reply of others from what I was told. Damage control only goes so far!
Since the damage was done Alec and Beebs quickly jumped in to try and steer an unacceptable act into the best possible outcome. They did donate funding/ time. I will note that HXC did donate as well. Some of the groups involved viewed throwing a small ammount of money at a problem only helped a minute degree. The local club did fix the said damaged trail. I give the people that did donate funds/ time, the respect they deserve for their efforts. Thank you again!!!
In addition to donating funds, rules should have been placed publicly so this does not happen again. Maybe they have? I have not seen anything though. I do know that WE (THE HUMMER COMMUNITY) have taken steps back as a group due to this setback. I completely understand that you cannot control 100% of everyone in your club(s) and you cannot control what happens on the trail at all times. It's not any one person;s fault that other's make these wrong desisions. People are people and will always make mistakes out there. How you handle those mistakes are how we all can benefit down the road from them.
Off road trail etiquet should be discussed in every club time and time again. The trail leader of each trail every time out should go over some of this stuff before heading out...along with a quick vehicle check.
I know those in charge of the HXC forum DO CARE about the trails, how they are viewed in the public eye, and take pride in their club as we do over here too!!! We all do!
Becasue everyone in these groups have been on many trails at one time or another, I am still shocked as to the way this all panned out like it did. Those that helped rectify the situation (while others did nothing, get ridiculed/ blamed) for bringing bad rep to the club. The rep was out there on a couple of forums before Beebs and Alec knew about it. But yet they had to "prove themeselves they did not spread those rumors." They didn;t! To the best of my knowledge, they did everything possible to make things proper again without the mention of ANY club. At that point it wasn;t about any one person or any club. It was about rectifying the situation at hand.
I'm confident Elcova, X Club, and other groups will make certain this does not happen again. It cannot be allowed, or we can kiss the trails byebye! Educating newbs and reminding your fellow off roaders may not feel like a job you should, but you can discuss it as a group and should be done very time out!!!!! It takes 10 or 15 minutes to do so.
Remember it's a privlage to be able to ride on these trails. It can be taken away at any time!!! Networking between groups doens't happen very often. If you talk with one you can be viewed as an outsider with another. Support the forum you are on!!! That deosn;t mean you cannot support more than one though. Networking between forums can bring the off road comminites together. We can onnly benefit if communication is open an honest. This is why I have chosen to post this exact EMail on a few forums that are still talking!
Again, this is not to slam any one person, but to try and get everyone to see that the responsibilites we all have are imporant in each of our clubs.
Ok, I'm off opioninated rant!
Sorry in adcance for all the spelling mistakes!

09-21-2007, 03:39 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by Birdman
Oh My! Just got this PM. What do you guys think I should do?
That was a private pm and your a little ****er for sharing it!
I just want all this to end and if thats what it takes then that s ok with me.
I wish our club president would have backed us up from the begining because all this would'nt have happened.
The members with us liked the new trail. Queenbitch wanted it put bakc to the way it was before so people got mad at her. They werent mad at Bobby and me for making the new trail.
Phil and seth should be speaking out because they didn't say we did wrong.
Im disappointed with them and so are other people that may now leave the club. including Bobby.

09-21-2007, 03:50 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by HollieH3
I thinks hes dreamy in his cowboy outfit.
Hey girls, I bet you will stick up for me on this one.
Bondage Video
God I love him so you ****s better leave him alone. What do you think girls?
Okay, I'm not ghey, but that guy is hot!

09-21-2007, 04:01 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Forgive my ignorance, but could someone please tell me what an AE is? Thank you.

09-21-2007, 04:05 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by tower
Forgive my ignorance, but could someone please tell me what an AE is? Thank you.
That information is given out on a need-to-know basis. And you don't need to know. Heh, heh.

09-21-2007, 04:09 PM
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Re: Group of *******ers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Originally Posted by tower
Forgive my ignorance, but could someone please tell me what an AE is? Thank you.
Alter-ego...someone pretending to be someone else on the forums.
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