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View Full Version : Coping with Stress

Adam in CO
12-12-2006, 03:52 PM
Stress is a fact of life, but it need not be a way of life. There are many things in life that you can't control, but very few that you can't learn to manage, including the negative aspects of stress.
The positive aspect of stress is that it can help you concentrate, focus, and reach peak performance. Many people do their best work when under moderate pressure. Then, when the challenge has been met, they take time to relax and enjoy their achievement. This relaxation response enables them to build up the physical and emotional reserves to meet the next challenge.
Stress becomes negative when you stay uptight and don't - or can't - relax after meeting the challenge. Too much stress can leave you tired, irritable, angry, tense, anxious, frustrated and depressed. Chronic, ongoing stress can lead to emotional problems and physical illness.
The first step to managing stress is to become aware of the things that cause your stress. Once you realize what causes your stress, try to focus on how your body feels under stress. "Listen" to your body for signs such as irritability, headaches, a knot in your stomach, tensed muscles, clenched teeth, cold or clammy hands, or other symptoms that tell you you are under stress. There are many potential causes of stress both at home and in the workplace, and many different bodily reactions to stress. Recognizing what causes your stress and how your particular body reacts to stress is the first step to finding solutions to the problem.
The many potential solutions include:

Recognize when your body is telling you it's time to take a break.
Learn any of the wide variety of relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, stretching, meditation, Yoga, etc.
Improve work habits, such as learning how to manage your time better.
Avoid the circumstances that create stress.
Adjust your priorities; decide what is really most important in your life.
Adopt more realistic career goals.
Resolve not to let yourself be provoked or upset by others' behavior.
Talk out problems with a friend or supervisor.
Go out of your way to improve relationships with family, friends and co-workers.
Develop a healthier or more positive lifestyle with good nutrition and exercise.
Seek professional help.
In some cases, prescribed medications may by beneficial
Religious or spiritual practices (e.g., attending church or synagogue, prayer)A mental health counselor can help you find and implement the right solution for your particular problem. If the cause of your stress is not easily recognized or manageable, you may feel overwhelmed, depressed, or helpless, as if there is "no way out." If this describes your situation, you may need medical assistance to help you cope with these feelings.
While there isn't a specific test to diagnose stress, if you are having problems with symptoms such as headaches, upset stomachs, etc., you should see your doctor to rule out medical illness. Otherwise, relax, and take one day at a time. Life can be beautiful if you stop to smell the flowers and admire yourself. In addition, try to remember...you always have options!
http://media.sharperagent.com/MediaService/Newsletter/Prucal/Stress/stressgirl.img http://media.sharperagent.com/MediaService/Newsletter/Prucal/Stress/kidhall.img http://media.sharperagent.com/MediaService/Newsletter/Prucal/Stress/kidhands.img Kids Can Stress-Out, Too

As adults coping with family responsibilities and problems such as too much work - or too little - it's easy to forget that children also have pressures in their lives that cause stress. Stressful situations are a normal part of life - they can help both adults and children learn how to solve problems and become stronger people. But too much stress can cause problems.
As parents we have to perform a difficult balancing act. On one hand we need to help buffer children from the effects of too much stress - but we also need to give them the chance to meet challenges and solve problems by themselves. Here's some good advice to help ease your child's daily dose of stress:
School means opportunities for learning and making friends. But it can also mean things to worry about like homework, tests, and worries about relationships - it's common for children to worry about being liked and accepted by other children. Parents can help by taking an interest in what happens at school every day (not just in the classroom, but on the playground too), by praising their efforts and by encouraging them, and not putting too much pressure on them to get top grades.
Organized sports can cause real anxiety for some children when there's a lot of pressure on them to win. Teach children to take part for the sake of enjoyment - not just to win or please you. Praise their efforts - especially if they or their team loses.
Encourage children to welcome changes in their lives, rather than fear them. You can help by providing them with new experiences and activities, and always giving them your support.
Give children the chance to solve problems for themselves sometimes. Jumping in and solving problems for them may seem like a caring thing to do (and sometimes it's the easiest). However, in the long run it makes it harder for children to learn to solve problems for themselves. Always be there to discuss solutions with them, and to offer suggestions, and praise them for their efforts to work things out.
Giving children the chance to do new tasks will help them feel competent and increase confidence. Make sure the tasks aren't too hard for them, and remember they're only children - don't expect perfection.
Make sure children have plenty of opportunities to run around and play - being physically active helps reduce stress. Ball games, skipping, bike riding, running, jumping, and swimming are all good activities.
Don't forget to allow children time to "daydream" - having free time for unstructured play or to just sit and think is important for children's emotional growth.
Think about how much television children watch. Do you need to limit how much they watch and what they watch? Do they have enough time to play, think and chat to you without the distraction of TV, for instance?
Remember that being a supportive and loving parent who praises children for their efforts (not just their successes) in all areas of their lives will help them become better-adjusted and more confident adults.

12-12-2006, 04:50 PM
and if that don't work

12-12-2006, 04:53 PM
all this talk about stress ....... Is really stressing me out.....
STOP! :dancingbanana:

CO Hummer
12-12-2006, 05:10 PM
If you post another of these irritating emails I will kill you.

12-12-2006, 05:19 PM

I Snoped it and it's all untrue. Really. The cure for stress is Sex, beer and more sex and beer.

12-12-2006, 05:59 PM

I Snoped it and it's all untrue. Really. The cure for stress is Sex, Captain Morgan's and more sex and Captain Morgan's.

That works:jump:

12-12-2006, 11:25 PM
Forget beer. When your stressed head staight for a bottle of Bookers. Ranging between 120-130 proof, Bookers isjust what the doctor ordered. If you are having a panic attack I've got one word for you: Everclear.

Sometimes you cant do that. For instance when its 9am and your freaking out. Then its time to head for the other bottle. Xanax. That'll give you the helping hand your looking for.

12-13-2006, 02:01 AM

I Snoped it and it's all untrue. Really. The cure for stress is Sex, Captain Morgan's and more sex and Captain Morgan's.
That works:jump:F5, I think I love you.:shhh: :D :D