View Full Version : Trying to destroy a Jeep video

01-30-2007, 01:02 AM
Here is a vid of some people trying to destroy their Jeep. They do a pretty good job of it and the Jeep keeps going. Dumb kids having fun I guess.


01-30-2007, 02:42 AM
Well that was interesting.

I guess if they each threw in 100 bucks, that could be a days entertainment, if they don't kill themselves.

My friends and I did a similar thing with my buddies mom's old Datsun, back in the 80's. It's amazing what a vehicle can endure when you're balls out to destroy it. They can take more abuse than you would think. In the end, the Datsun's engine gave out just like the Jeeps. The other parts of the car were mangled but would have kept going if the engine had anything left.

They did catch some good air, off a few of those jumps!