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tower 10-22-2007 06:00 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by Birdman
Drop it? Maybe when the little slut girl comes out and ponies up an apology.

HollieH3 has PMd me several times with a trade offer (you know, one of those sex for silence deals). But I for one am standing firm.

So are YOU the guy who gave her PMS?

Birdman 10-22-2007 12:28 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by tower
So are YOU the guy who gave her PMS?

It wasn't me, Igor. But thanks for watching over this thread on behalf of Hummer owners.

MRDM1 11-09-2007 03:23 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

bobbysh1 11-10-2007 03:36 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by MRDM1

Listen hear you dip**** piece of crap, the pictures are on here and all they show is a new trail with some ****ers making it the way it used to be.

They completely ****ed up our new trail.

lotus4s 11-10-2007 07:24 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
I can't believe that you guys continue to converse with AE's and actually believe you are speaking with the real people they are trying to portray. Are you that naive?

bobbysh whatever and HollieH3 are not the real people they are purporting to be and I dare say none of the other supposed HX'rs that have posted here are real either except for Tim who posted an honest and sincere opinion.

I'm also surprised that Elcova, it's mods and the "core" group doesn't realize that the damage this thread is doing to the 4 wheeling community is going to last a lot longer than what happened in that alpine meadow. It's going to take a whole bunch more than a couple of bags of seeds and some labor and time to repair. Not only do they not realize it they are an integral part of it due to some selfish personal agenda.

I do not condone what transpired on that HX outing or how the whole situation was handled afterward but I do know some of the people involved personally and I believe it was an honest mistake and the alleged "facts" presented here are far from accurate.

It's time for some people here to grow up......


h2co-pilot 11-10-2007 11:57 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by lotus4s

I'm also surprised that Elcova, it's mods and the "core" group (Sounds like you have been talking to someone bitter. WTH is a core group anyway?)doesn't realize that the damage this thread is doing to the 4 wheeling community is going to last a lot longer than what happened in that alpine meadow.This thread and the outward distaste for actions such as ******* displayed that day shows that other Hummer communities aren't just going to ignore it. It's going to take a whole bunch more than a couple of bags of seeds and some labor and time to repair. Not only do they not realize it they are an integral part of it due to some selfish personal agenda. And what is this personal agenda you speak of?

I do not condone what transpired on that HX outing or how the whole situation was handled afterward but I do know some of the people involved personally and I believe it was an honest mistake and the alleged "facts" presented here are far from accurate. See how you feel the need to purport that you do not condone it? And the facts could and SHOULD have come from those who made those mistakes. Obviously they have been checking in. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away. Neither does deleting pictures and posts. This is not the only forum in which a thread concerning this very incident exits.

It's time for some people here to grow up......


So what if some people choose to mock those that were involved and ignored it?

Especially when it's a club in which you pay to be a part of and the club itself ignored it. Elcova is more free spirited if you will, and in turn deal with things in a free spirited way. Albiet immature (and entertaining :D), it still gets the point across and is not hiding some man behind the curtain.

To be all for one, one for all; you have to look at the whole picture. Hiding this incident or covering it up on the basis of Hummers being a whole community is so......... Jesse Jackson.

tower 11-10-2007 05:27 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by h2co-pilot
So what if some people choose to mock those that were involved and ignored it?

Especially when it's a club in which you pay to be a part of and the club itself ignored it. Elcova is more free spirited if you will, and in turn deal with things in a free spirited way. Albiet immature (and entertaining :D), it still gets the point across and is not hiding some man behind the curtain.

To be all for one, one for all; you have to look at the whole picture. Hiding this incident or covering it up on the basis of Hummers being a whole community is so......... Jesse Jackson.

Absolutely right! It's time for them to "pologize".

KenP 11-10-2007 10:27 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by lotus4s
I'm also surprised that Elcova, it's mods and the "core" group doesn't realize that the damage this thread is doing to the 4 wheeling community is going to last a lot longer than what happened in that alpine meadow. It's going to take a whole bunch more than a couple of bags of seeds and some labor and time to repair. Not only do they not realize it they are an integral part of it due to some selfish personal agenda.


You mean delete this thread like the other forum deletes anything controversial? I don't think so.

The damage to the Hummer name and that club is done and they didn't fess up to anything.

This was posted on the largest 4x4 forum there is, so this little thread here, and the deleted one at X, isn't having any effect on anything.

DennisAJC 11-11-2007 12:42 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by lotus4s
I can't believe that you guys continue to converse with AE's and actually believe you are speaking with the real people they are trying to portray. Are you that naive?



Or is it Lotus? Or are they both bogus AE names?

Anyways, listen fag, yes they are AEs we are conversing with. AEs from *******. Now go back to that nazi run forum island of misfits. There is no interest here for your gay speak.

This thread is not moderated because of the fact that the more the AEs from ******* post their denial, the more they look stupid for condoning idiotic behavior out on the trails.

Elcova sends a message to the off road community that we will not cover up idiotic behavior just because they drive Hummers.

Are you that stupid? Goodbye Lotus Flower Jim.:OWNED:

lotus4s 11-11-2007 03:42 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by DennisAJC

Or is it Lotus? Or are they both bogus AE names?

Anyways, listen fag, yes they are AEs we are conversing with. AEs from ELCOVA. FIXED Now go back to that nazi run forum island of misfits. There is no interest here for your gay speak.

This thread is not moderated because of the fact that the more the AEs from ******* post their denial, the more they look stupid for condoning idiotic behavior out on the trails.

Elcova sends a message to the off road community that we will not cover up idiotic behavior just because they drive Hummers.

Are you that stupid? Goodbye Lotus Flower Jim.:OWNED:

Is that the best you got? :fdance:

"it's time for some people here to grow up" from my first post was intended specifically for you....:OWNED:

DennisAJC 11-11-2007 06:48 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by lotus4s
Is that the best you got? :fdance:

"it's time for some people here to grow up" from my first post was intended specifically for you....:OWNED:

For you to defend irresponsible and destructive trail ettiquette, makes you look the ass.:OWNED::giggling:

But from what I'm hearing from the ******* moles is you're the new designated sack rider AE sent here to defend them.:jump:

Here boy! OK now........Go fetch!:clapping:

lotus4s 11-11-2007 07:45 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

I'm just messing with you idiots. Phil and the Beebster put me up to it. We love to watch you idiots get riled up and excited.:OWNED:

tower 11-11-2007 07:51 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
All that goofing around notwithstanding, I have yet to see any humility, let alone an apology or any taking of responsibility from the offenders posted ANYWHERE.

DennisAJC 11-11-2007 08:50 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

Originally Posted by lotus4s

I'm just messing with you idiots. Phil and the Beebster put me up to it. We love to watch you idiots get riled up and excited.:OWNED:

So all that preaching was just another lame AE tactic from *******?

I guess that would explain your banning. Such a shame you idiots are taking the low road on this issue.

h2co-pilot 11-11-2007 10:41 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
HAHA! See ya, Scrotus.....:D

DRTYFN 11-12-2007 06:41 AM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by lotus4s

I'm just messing with you idiots. Phil and the Beebster put me up to it. We love to watch you idiots get riled up and excited.:OWNED:

Attachment 44676

DRTYFN 01-16-2008 10:54 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???

DennisAJC 01-16-2008 11:45 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Just boils my skin whenever I think of these rats and their turdly ways.

wpage 03-30-2008 08:55 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
Karma kills:grouphug:
Karma lives:grouphug:

DennisAJC 06-13-2008 03:04 PM

Re: Group of HummerXers Destroys Alpine Meadow???
There's a reason Hummer X-lax is connected to shady and corrupt organizations like Blue Ribbon Coalition so I guess this kind of shameless destruction of trails shouldn't come as a surprise.

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