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Dan 12-18-2002 02:54 PM

We usually hear about all of the compliments you H2'ers get when out driving. The "hey, nice truck!" and the "wow"s. Have any of you received negative comments from people?

When telling people that I put my deposit on the SUT I've got:

"personally I think its a bit much, but it should go OK in the snow..."

"a little pretentious don't you think?"

"it's what, 55 grand? Buy a BMW"

"I'd get a Tahoe"

I even got:

"thats a long wait... I'm selling my 2000 Malibu you know"

Of course I get the hi-fives and "that's awesome" from most people. I'm totally comfortable in my decision, I love the SUT, but some people have no class...

- Dan

hinten 12-18-2002 02:59 PM

Mainly negative comments rarely positive.
Anything from "Good for you that you can afford it." to "penile dysfunction!"

Oh well...

SJ 12-18-2002 03:18 PM

No negative comments whatsoever. I'm sure there are plenty of folks that think the H2 is ugly, but they haven't said it to my face.

Get a BMW? Baaaaaaaaa Baaaaa! I expect such a comment from the mass of SHEEPLE this nation is now raising. My parents have an X5 and I have no admiration for those German Hondas with wood grain.

Texas Red 12-18-2002 03:20 PM

Buying an H2 was a little outta character for me. So even my "friends" asked about my "mid-life crisis" or said something like "why in the world did you get that?"

Fortunately, I have some friends who were genuinely happy for me. Those are the ones I still see. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

Red H2 in Texas

Pizza Man 12-18-2002 03:47 PM

Usually get the gawkers the thumbs up and even waved to. The other day some guy in a Ford Ranger flipped me off. But verbally I have received no complaints. [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif[/img]

SOFTTAILJC 12-18-2002 04:19 PM

mostly waves and thumbs up... the negatives are just jealous wanna bees.. love this truck,just a pleasure to drive.............soft

SJ 12-18-2002 04:23 PM

Pizza Man:

That [the middle finger] is always the surest sign of jealousy or a driver that feels threatened (assuming you didn't cut him off). The guy in the Ford was seriously jealous; how else can you explain his effort to single you out of the crowd and make such a gesture.

There are 280 million people in America, so there are bound to be a fair number of idiots.

The Hummer is about as close to an All-American vehicle that you can get [the throttle sensor is from Hitachi - sob]. Don't these Ford and Chevy guys realize that we are allies? If anything, go pick on the Nissans, we need to stick together.

KAC 12-18-2002 04:26 PM

The most negative comment I've gotten is "what's the gas mileage like?" Even that's not really negative. I've gotten thumbs up and lots of positive comments.


'03 Red Adv Series

MBK 12-18-2002 04:56 PM

Pizza Man, that guy was just telling you that you are number 1!

Hey, anyone here drive the yellow rig I keep seeing in Brooklyn? Want to give me and my wife a ride? [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

Hummer H2 12-18-2002 05:15 PM

I was driving in town when a 15 year old kid yelled out "get a real Hummer" He was just expecting me to keep on going, but instead I turned around and pulled over. I rolled down my window and asked him what he had said, he then said "Nice truck" I said thank you and went on my way. Just to see his face made it all worth while.

kelleymac2000 12-18-2002 05:26 PM

I've been stopped probably a hundred times in the five months I've had mine and had two negative comments.

One woman hollered out her car window: "That's the ugliest thing I've ever seen." I yelled back: "Look in your mirror, then"

The second was a teenager at the Half Moon Bay Halloween parade (where I was with three H1s) who said: "too bad you didn't buy a real Hummer." I sweetly replied: "Yeah, what does daddy let YOU drive, junior??" His friends howled with laughter at him.

I have people of all ages/genders/walks of life stop me and ask about my truck. They're genuinely curious, and most really love it.

Kelley [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]

bklynh2srock 12-18-2002 05:38 PM

MBK- that's not us -- we're Pewter w/wraparound. If you see us, give us a wave. Wonder who it is!

Kelley- I admire your guts to say what you did to that woman. I'll have to remember that.

We did get one guy, going to the Islanders game last night, give us the finger. No one else has had the guts to say anything to our face.

TS 12-18-2002 05:48 PM

No negatives, just friendly poking fun at me which they'd regardless.. I was even asked for a ride by someone who drives a hybrid.

Steve R 12-18-2002 08:07 PM

If someone was going to spend $55K on a BMW...I'd say....but you could have a REAL offroad-capable SUV for the same money PLUS it's American.

What the heck does the BMW, Range Rover, Lexus or any of these pretencious wannabe SUV's have over the Hummer. You can't even compare these vehicles to what we have! I mean....DAMN!

I've had a few negative comments, one gal told me the H2 was "fu#@%ing ugly". I calmly replied "Momma always said, if you don't have something nice to say, best you just keep your comments to yourself". She replied with a real nasty which I added "Momma also said to go fu%@& youself bitch!!" and walked off.

I know, I know....but I am a contractor and it's not like I'm writing cards for Hallmark. That gal was WAY out of line just blasting me with that comment.

sheag 12-18-2002 08:46 PM

Mostly I've gotten nothing but ooohs and ahhhs. I did have one friend tell another friend that he thought it was "ostentatious", but he was too cowardly to say it to my face, apparently. I do have lots of people ask me about insurance rates and gas mileage, and a couple of people have asked me about cost. I also had one lady in a minivan make a disgusted face at me and shake her head and wag her finger. Don't know what that was all about. I was just sitting at a traffic light.

Funny, I was in the grocery store in the check out line and I looked out in the parking lot and saw some people had their faces pressed up to the windows of my baby, so I pushed the unlock button (that thing works from wayyyy far away). The lights flashed and they jumped back and started looking guiltily around. It was funny. I should have set off the alarm.


kelleymac2000 12-18-2002 09:58 PM

Only I usually go right outside and laugh with them about it afterward!!! [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif[/img]


<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by sheag:
Funny, I was in the grocery store in the check out line and I looked out in the parking lot and saw some people had their faces pressed up to the windows of my baby, so I pushed the unlock button (that thing works from wayyyy far away). The lights flashed and they jumped back and started looking guiltily around. It was funny. I should have set off the alarm.


100proof 12-18-2002 10:16 PM

I dont own one, but I have to say I really love the H2! I saw an add for the H2 a few weeks back I thought, wow, that must cost at least 100,000. I was very surprised to see the base price! About a week later I was up in Duluth MN, I was out eating at a red lobster with my wife, We came out and there it was:) Seeing it up close, I just about craped my pants. After that I was hooked! I kept seeing the thing all weekend, the owner was staying at the same hotel, and parked it right in front of our window. Of course I couldn't keep my eyes off it, I mean, the damn H2 was taunting was cool. Anyway, this board is great, and when I get my H2 (long time from now) I will be sure to join in all the fun with everybody!


TonkaH2 12-18-2002 10:56 PM

I've spent almost 4 months of 6 months of waiting trying to talk myself out of it, so I've talked to a lot of people about Hummers, etc. I've also driven quite a few, and you know, I never did get any negative reactions [unless you consider jaws dropping a negative reaction.]

In talking about what I should do, I did get a lot of environmentalists I know who were just horrified that I [who has had Suburbans and Tahoes since 95, go figure] could think of driving such a beast. The main reason: 'you don't NEED it.' But after I explained my uses, most had to admit, it made sense.

Once you get past the liberal agenda, though, everybody asks for a ride as soon as I get it! [img]/infopop/emoticons/icon_razz.gif[/img] ALMOST everyone loves the whole concept once they think you're not yuppie scum.

Yellow H2 adv. on order
"I think I can make it. D'OH!"

HeeHaw 12-19-2002 01:22 AM

I ignore them. Not worth the effort.


dr p 12-19-2002 01:33 AM

My truck seems to mostly bring big wide smiles. The only negative comment was when my daugter & I had driven up to the top of Whiteface Mountain, made the turn around to park. A guy got out of his car and we could hear him say to his buddy "Whats a drug dealer doing up here?"

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