Thread: not again!
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Old 07-18-2005, 12:35 AM
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LoLo LoLo is offline
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LoLo is off the scale

I have to step in now, and defend Tower...

He and H2Blondie did meet up and evidently had a great time together -- so much so that they already have a couple of other future trips planned.

However, I believe the implication of "internet dating" should be dispelled... and the off-road lights had nothing to do with the "relationship", and whether or not it would exist -- but rather fate and timing that were to thank.

Tower has been nothing but a gentleman to H2B, and for that I am grateful... it is about time that my sister meet someone who KNOWS how to treat a lady!

Now, for those of you who just can't let this die... better show up in Moab! Then, hopefully you can see with your own eyes that fate works in mysterious ways...

05 Desert Sand H2 Adv
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