Thread: HGW Girls
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Old 10-01-2005, 01:34 AM
HGW HGW is offline
Hummer Expert
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Runnin with NASCAR, sometimes Central NJ
Posts: 932
HGW is off the scale

Everyone is entitled to their opinion on here.

Those HGW Girls are properly clothed--no diff than a Vegas trade show. I know them all personally and they are more moral, friendly, and charming than most desperate housewives I know. Saying they are sluts is just the wrong thing to say about anyone you do not know.

If you really want to get your newbee panties in a bunch than go to NOPI.COM or

You must be the husband of Jim, the guy who cares about the weather on a Hummer forum.

The reality is that they represent my company very well, know more about Hummers than most people on here, and are treated with dignity and respect by everyone they meet.
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