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Old 04-17-2007, 12:23 AM
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Default Re: JET or PCM for less???? Need direction.

Originally Posted by HummBebe
How fkcing dare you.....

Real nice. You eat from that hole too, Troll?

You are an a$$hole.

I endever to be like you.

You have no more information to back up the positive, than I do to back up the negative.

Never said I did. But as you just stated, you have very little to no information to back up the crap that falls from your lips. I was looking for legit experiences with Jet or PCM, not b.s. hipe from nincompoops.

I at least know someone who has been in this industry for years and years, that thinks it's a sham.

Who? Your daddy? You know everybody, but can't name them? I can name a crapload of people that do believe in it, including career mechanics. This isn't 1950 anymore honey. There's a lot more to performance than just boring out your cylinders.

There are plenty of experts in the field that think this is crap.

Name them. I bet they haven't worked on a car in the past 20 years.

I believe them.

Of course you do. You probably believe Al Gore invented the internet too.

I have provided that proof in previous threads.

Yea? Where. Let's see some direct links. Oh that's right, you can't!

I've read enough of your threads to know your full of **** and opinions as big as your ass. All you do is blow smoke at other members with legit questions and comments and overbear their threads.

I actually have a superchip in my Mustang an '05 GT

WHAT????? LOL You detest them, they're just wrong, but you haven't removed it? What? Don't know how to remove it? Of course not, maybe your daddy could help you? Surprise you haven't bored it out, cuz that's the right way to get more hp! lol

It is definitely faster,

Of course it's faster. That's the whole purpose! lol But, how could it be faster when chips and programming are busll****??? LOL

but it idles rough and sounds like the timing is off.

Then get your mouth off the tailpipe!

I am taking it out. I should have never messed with it.

That's what your daddy said the first night he met your momma.

And for the last time GFY you butthurt sensitive little flower.

LOL Now that's just plain funny!

Your amazing. Good luck in life. You need it!
I've never seen such a bitter, down on life, pathetic excuse of a human being. Your a know it all pile of crap. Maybe someday you'll wake up and realize how worhtless you are.

Nope. I doubt it. Your inability to express yourself in an appropriate manner without lowering yourself to insults and vulgarity reflects your ignorance, insecurity, and lack of education.

Do you even own a Hummer or do you troll websites looking for fights because your jobless, have nothing better to do, and your monthly welfare check is already spent? The only vehicle you probably own is the single wide your living in. You probably detest PCM for less because you can't afford them and they have real friends, unlike yourself.

What a waste of a perfectly good website...Your just a TROLL!

06 H3 Slate Blue Lux sunroof tow package monsoon stereo w/285/75/16
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