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Old 10-06-2007, 01:10 AM
Dani Dani is offline
Hummer Professional
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Monroe MI
Posts: 278
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Default Re: Brand new with a dented roof

Originally Posted by MrInfoSys
Hello everyone! I just picked up a 2k7 red H3 last Friday. On Saturday I looked down at it from my house and noticed that there was a large, basketball sized dent in the roof (drivers side near the back). I called the dealership and they told me that %95 of the H3 they get have some type of 'warped metal' because they are SOOO wide...They also said that they could not fix it because every time they try, they end up making it worse.

So, I called GM. GM/Hummer customer support called the dealership and got the same BS answer. The server manager at the dealership told them it was a factory problem. GM told me that there is nothing they can do and that it is also NOT something that the warranty would cover! OMG!

I'm trying to wrap my brain around this. Has anyone else seen this issue or heard of it? How in the world can GM back the dealership on this?



I can send pics if you want as well.

one more reason I would love to tell GM to shove my H3 up their a**
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