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Old 07-27-2005, 03:45 AM
NAILER341 NAILER341 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 9
NAILER341 is off the scale

lol... funny how when a jeeper comes here it is a "troll" but when an elcova member posts on a jeeping board it is called something else?

its all in fun.... as you can see, i am rescuing one of your own

What is this? The 12th jeep trolls jumping into this thread? Sigh, listen nailer341, read this entire thread before posting more pics, it's getting really old. You jeep trolls come in with the exact same pattern everytime, every troll. Posting pics/vids, making sarcastic remarks, and blah blah blah. Read this thread and see if you can understand the meaning behind the video.

I trust you won't have problem reading since you are the one suggesting how to spell. Unlike this taco troll couple pages ago claiming it will take him 4 hours to read English must not be his first language [/quote]
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